Both can be described as black sticky stuff, used for sealing and waterproofing of various surfaces...Read More
Does the sight of discarded plastic swirling in the Pacific Ocean - the so-called Great Pacific Garbage Patch - haunt you every time you throw away a soda bottle? Dutch...Read More
Engineers across the world develop so fast if you look at how far Mechanical, Electrical, Software, Chemical and IT engineers have come over the last 100 years...Read More
It is astonishing how quickly bridge lengths have extended especially in China. The Pontchartrain was the longest bridge at 38km...Read More
Highest vs. Tallest Bridges: Confusion is sometimes met with the difference between what is highest and tallest mean...Read More
Civil Wonder: Great Wall of China. The official length is 21 000km, age 2300 years, average height 8m...Read More
Civil Engineering is the world, it is the very core of what connects us and what we have to show as evolving anthropoids....Read More
@50000m2, Brisbane Port has one of the biggest slabs of concrete with no joints in the world...Read More
Don't design a steel grid cover on your drains, in front of a steel scrap yard, be practical with your designs...Read More
Civil Engineers comprises the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and natural built...Read More
A tower solar thermal power plant, 50 megawatts, 140 hectares, 4 000 heliostats...Read More
It is very easy and cheap to maintain roads. It is much cheaper to maintain it than to replace it...Read More